

Wydział Neofilologii - kierunek filologia
- w zakresie filologii angielskiej / filologii germańskiej

Uczelnia Student Miasto Rekrutacja

Our Professors of English in Madrid

Prof. Ilona Dobosiewicz and Dr Elżbieta Szymańska Czaplak visited Universidad Politecnica de Madrid.

The visit was a part of the Erasmus program and lasted from March 19, 2013 to March 23, 2013. They conducted English classes for Industrial Engineering students and Agronomy Engineering students, focusing on English as an international language, varieties of English and on cultural stereotypes in teaching and learning foreign languages. They met with Prof. Marinela Garcia, Associate Dean for International Affairs and Maria Luisa Escribano, Language Program Coordinator from International Relations Office and discussed future cooperation between UPM Madrid and PWSZ Nysa. Prof. Dobosiewicz and Dr Szymańska-Czaplak were full of admiration for the hospitality and kindness of their Spanish hosts, who did everything to make their stay in Madrid a wonderful experience. Prof. Trini Gonzales went out of her way to show them not only the School of Engineering Agronomy, where she teaches, but also Madrid in all its beauty, and generously shared her experiences as a teacher of English. Prof. Javier Herraez - whose command of Polish is admirable - took them on a sightseeing tour of the School of Industrial Engineering. Prof. Marinela Garcia prepared a great program for the visit and tirelessly coordinated all its aspects.

Professor Ilona Dobosiewicz
English Philology

Wydział Neofilologii Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Nysie © 2018    
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