

Wydział Neofilologii - kierunek filologia
- w zakresie filologii angielskiej / filologii germańskiej

Uczelnia Student Miasto Rekrutacja

The Conference is co-financed by The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation

INVITATION - Call for Papers

for the 6th International Congress "Multilingualism as a Chance"



Arrival: 07th June 2015 (Sunday)
Departure: 11th June 2015 (Thursday)


Poland, University for Applied Sciences, Institute for Modern Languages

Languages of the Congress will be

German and English

Call for Papers [ .pdf ]

Application form [ .doc ]


The series of congresses about “Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance - Multilingualism as a Chance” was started in 2009 at the University of Kassel, Germany, by university lecturers and teachers who are working in the field of multilingualism. After the initial congress in Kassel there were annual congresses in Nysa/Poland, in Eupen/Belgium, in Luxemburg and in Heidelberg/Germany. You will find more information about the congresses on www.mehrsprachigkeit-als-chance.eu

The next congress in June 2015 will take place at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa/Poland.

In a geographical and cultural perspective Nysa in the Region of Upper Silesia is a place where official borders and language boundaries often changed. The town is influenced by Czech, Austrian, German and Polish cultures, and it represents a perfect place for visits in schools of the German minority in Poland which will be organized during the congress. In addition to that there will also be visits to classrooms for the learning of modern languages.

The cultural and linguistic diversity in the history of the Nysa region is also represented in the didactical approach of the local University of Applied Sciences to the formation of teachers for German as the language of the minority. The Department of German Philology in the University is making it a special feature of its work to teach students about the linguistic and cultural heritage of the region. A further step is the establishment of a module in the syllabus for future teachers for German as the language of the minority. In the region of Opole of which the county of Nysa is a part the German minority constitutes more than one third of the population.

The following topics will be in the focus of the 6th international congress in 2015:

  • multilingualism in kindergarten, in the school and in the university
  • individualized approaches to the learning of modern languages
  • educational concepts for the promotion of minority languages
  • promotion of the language of culture and education for students at the school
  • the didactics of the adaptation between readers and texts in the field of factual texts

The international consortium of organizers for the congress:

Belgium: Sandra Kringels, Autonome Hochschule in der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft (AHS), Eupen
Germany: Elisabeth Gessner, Horst Paul Kuhley, Forum Lesen Kassel/Universität Kassel
Finland: Petra Linderoos, Universität Jyväskylä
Luxemburg: Flore Schank, Institutrice-attachée, Ministere de l’Éducation nationale de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse
Poland: Monika Witt PhD, Beata Giblak PhD, Alina Dittmann PhD, State University of Applied Sciences in Nysa
Austria: Prof. Vladimir Wakounig PhD, Alpen-Adria-Universität, Klagenfurt
Switzerland: PhD Markus Kübler, Pädagogische Hochschule Schaffhausen

We invite you to send abstracts of possible contributions in English or German (150 words maximum) until the 31st of October 2014 to the following address: monika.witt@pans.nysa.pl

Feed back for abstracts will be given until 15th of November 2014.
The contributions will be published near the end of 2015 in a Conference Book

The congress fee will be 200,- PLN (ca. 50,- Euros) and it has to be transferred until 15th of December 2014.
The conference fee includes:

  • a light evening meal on 8th of June 2015
  • refreshments during the conference
  • coffee during the conference
  • shuttle to the schools (for class visits)

Information about the ways of payment:

Recipient: Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nysie
Address: ul. Armii Krajowej 7, 48-300 NYSA, Polen
Bank: PKO BP SA in Opole
Address of the Bank: ul. Krakowska 35, PL-45-950 Opole
Account No.: IBAN PL 5010 20 3714 0000 410 200 12 7415
Payment Title: "Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance"

Practical information:

There is a direct train or bus connection to Neiße/Nysa (Connections on www.bahn.de or www.pkp.pl ), we will arrange a bus transfer from Wroclaw/Breslau to Nysa if necessary.
By aeroplane you reach Wroclaw/Breslau from many European Cities. We can arrange a low-priced transfer from there to Nysa.

We advise you to book an inexpensive accommodation in the dormitory of the Nysa diocese (DDF - http://www.ddf.nysa.pl/). There are single or double rooms, all with a bathroom and a toilet. The price for participants of the conference will be 70 Zloty (about 20 Euros) per person per day, breakfast included. There is no lift in the house. We will arrange the booking for you if desired. Pease let us know until 30th November 2014 if you would like us to make a reservation for you, because the number of rooms is limited. Bookings will be made in chronological order. We can also arrange hotel accommodation (Prices between 50 and 100 Euros according to hotel standards).

Polish money can be acquired in offices at the airport, at the train stations or in Nysa at cash dispensers.

Excursion to Wroclaw
On Thursday 11th June 2015 there will be an organized excursion to the beautifully restored inner city of Wroclaw/Breslau (can also be used for transfer to airport or train station). There will be a guided tour of the town and an optional lunch meal. The cost for the excursion is about 10 Euros per person plus 15 Euros for the lunch (if booked). Exact costs depend on the number of participants. You can pay for the excursion while you are in Nysa, but we need to know latest at 30th April 2015 if you would like to take part in the excursion.

Wydział Neofilologii Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Nysie © 2018    
kontakt z webmasterem:  
Wydział Nauk o Bezpieczeństwie - kierunek bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu i Kulturze Fizycznej: kierunek dietetyka, kierunek kosmetologia, kierunek psychofizyczne kształtowanie człowieka, Wydział Nauk Technicznych: kierunek architektura, kierunek informatyka, kierunek zarządzanie i inżynieria produkcji, Wydział Neofilologii - filologia angielska, filologia germańska, język biznesu angielski - business english, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych - kierunek finanse i rachunkowość, Wydział Jazzu - kierunek jazz i muzyka estradowa, Wydział Nauk Medycznych: kierunek pielęgniarstwo, kierunek ratownictwo medyczne,
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