Metropolia University of Applied Sciences z Finlandii zaprasza pracowników administracji na dziesiąty już Międzynarodowy Tydzień Szkoleniowy w całości prowadzony online w terminie 20-22.04.2021
We are pleased to inform you that Metropolia University of Applied Sciences will organise its 10th international week for non-teaching staff on April 20 - 22, 2021. This staff week will be completely online, and is hosted in cooperation with our 3AMK partners, Laurea and Haaga-Helia. This means that participants will get to know the operations and practices of all three universities of applied sciences.
This year we invite colleagues from our partner institutions who work in the following support services: library and information services, student wellbeing, international relations, communications and marketing, R&D, as well as immigrant support (SIMHE at Metropolia).
In addition to participating in the organised programme, there will be a chance to benchmark and network through an informal cocktail event Zoom session later in the evening of Wednesday 21 April.