
Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej

Uczelnia Student Uczelnie

Wykłady on-line w ITS Surbaya

Zapraszamy pracowników PWSZ w Nysie do realizacji wirutalej mobiliności i realizacji wykładów w partnerskiej uczelni ITS Surbaya z Indonezji.

Szczegóły oraz treść oficjalnego zaproszenia znajduje się poniżej.

Greetings from ITS Surabaya, Indonesia.

  Following the success of our on-going ITS e-programs that started in Semester 1, 2020/2021, we are now announcing the call for participation to this ITS e-programs for the Spring and Fall Semester 2021 starting in March 2021 and August 2021.

  As part of our efforts to maintain international collaboration as well as quality of education during this challenging time of global pandemic, ITS Surabaya had launched a series of e-programs, consisting of online guest lecture programs, collaborative online international learning, and virtual student mobility programs.

  We would like to share the details of these programs with you, and it is an honour for us to invite your faculties to participate in the programs.

  We cordially invite your faculties to become a speaker in any of our guest lecture programs, with details as follows:

   * GLOBAL LEARNING PROGRAM (GLP). This program integrates guest lectures into GENERAL COURSES for the INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM (IUP) at ITS, such as Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, among others. Students are expected to gain broader insights related to their courses. Interested speakers will typically deliver a 100-minute guest lecture in the early weeks of the Semester with audiences from the relevant classes, with the corresponding ITS lecturer moderating the event.
    * GUEST LECTURE SERIES (GLS). This guest lecture series covers ANY TOPICS OF INTEREST which can be related to any of the UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. This guest lecture series on UN SDG will be a weekly event with audiences from ITS and the general public.
    * RESEARCHER AND RESEARCH STUDENT ENRICHMENT PROGRAM (R2SEP). This is a research skills-oriented program for both ITS and non-ITS audiences, and guest lecturers are invited to deliver talks on enhancing research skills. This program is planned as a fortnightly event.

  In addition to guest lecture opportunities, we are also open for teaching collaborations in the form of:

      * COLLABORATIVE ONLINE INTERNATIONAL LEARNING (COIL). In this collaboration, we envision that two courses from each collaborating institutions are paired and run jointly with a team-teaching scheme, with students coming from both institutions. The COIL scheme will be considered as student and lecturer mobility.
    * LECTURER MOBILITY. We encourage lecturers at ITS to have international exposure through teaching in our partner universities, and vice versa we are very welcome to lecturers and professors from abroad to teach together with our ITS faculty members in any of our participating courses.

  For more information on these programs, including benefits for the guest lecture program participation, please visit:
https://www.its.ac.id/international/e-program [2] or contact Ms Yani at int_off@its.ac.id

  Thank you very much for your kind attention and consideration. We hope we can strengthen our collaboration through these programs, which will possibly lead to further collaborative activities in other areas such as research and joint projects.

Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Nysie © 2018    
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