Szkoła letnia w University of Pristhina, Kosowo
Partnerska uczlenia w Kosowie zaprasza nauczcieli akademickich z PWSZ w Nysie do udziału w Międzynarodowej Szkole Letniej, która odbędzie się 5-16.07.2021 r. Wyjazd do University of Pristhina można zrealizować w ramach programu Erasmus+ KA107 (dofinansowanie tygdoniowe wraz z dodatkowymi środkami na koszty podróży wynosi 1535 Euro).
Poniżej treść szczegółowej informacji przesłanej z University of Pristhina.
It is our pleasure to inform you that we have opened the call for applications of the academic staff for Prishtina International Summer University 2021.
This year PISU is organizing the 20th edition of the Prishtina International Summer University, which will be held from the 5 - 16July, 2021. This year’s programme will bring together local and international professors and lecturers for a period of two weeks, and will provide credited courses covering a wide range of study fields like law, economics, sports, social sciences etc. Here’s the link for further information:,4,1236
The language of instructions is English and all fields are eligible for application. Since, some of partner universities have already approved mobilities for Kosovo it would be a great opportunity to use the Erasmus mobilities and to include at least one professor from each partner. We can offer free accommodation in dorms and three meals in the student restaurant. The Erasmus money could be used for honorarium and travel expenses. Please note that the honorarium and the ticket purchase is for non Erasmus partners.
We would be thankful if you could share our call for professors on your webpage, so that more professors and students will get to know about our International Summer University.
The application deadline for academic staff is December 4, 2020.