ON-LINE Academy Sci-Cafe Talks
Biuro Współpracy Międzynardowej z Hellenic Meditteranean University zaprasza na ON-LINE Academy Sci-Cafe Talks. Pierwsza sesja odbędzie się 23.09.2020. godz. 10.00.
The Hellenic Meditteranean University International Relations Office Academy Sci-Cafe Talks are starting!!!
The first contribution comes from Dr. Tomaz Aljaz and the Fini Novo Mesto University in Slovenia. Dr. Aljaz's colloquial talk is entitled and will take place on the 23rd of September at 1000 CET (1100 Greek Time). The talk can be followed freely in Zoom.
For more information about the speaker, the abstract of his talk, and the zoom link,
please visit this link: http://petridischania.hmu.gr/.../sci-cafe-colloquial-talks/
To register - there are no fees (please do it by September the 22nd) use this link:
The talk is suitable for both Academics and Students. We hope you join us!