

University International Euro India Centre Nysa City


From 4th of June till 10th of June 2016 three delegates from the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa participated in a partner visit to Spain, in frames of Erasmus Plus staff mobility programme. Representatives of: Polish Desk of EuroIndia Centre - Ms. Aleksandra Nędza; International Cooperation Office - Ms. Joanna Skotnicka and Institute of Finance - Pradeep Kumar Ph.D., visited two partner universities.

First institution, which they visited was Uniwesidad Polytecnica de Madrid. During this visiting, delegates met with Ms. Pilar Izquierdo Garcia, who is responsible for realisation of Erasmus Plus Programme. Discussion concerned the development of cooperation between University in Madrid and University in Nysa, especially in the field of architecture. Representatives of UAS in Nysa had also opportunity to visit modern classrooms, where students participate in courses, and museum of construction, where students can see and learn more about methods of design and construction of residential and industrial buildings. Next part of this visit was a meeting with the Director of the School of Architecture -Prof. Mercedes del Rio Marino. During this meeting, the Director expressed her interest in continuation and development of cooperation between two Universities in the field of architecture. Ms. Del Rio Marino and Ms. Izquierdo Garcia also would like to visit our University in the future.

Another part of the mission was a visit to the Universidad de Valladolid, with which University of Applied Sciences in Nysa cooperates since last year in the field of Nursing. As a part of this agreement, two students from the University of Valladolid will visit our University in terms of Erasmus Plus Programme.

During the stay in Valladolid, delegates from UAS in Nysa met with Prof. Daniel Miguel San Jose, Rector, and with Prof. Jose Ramonem Gonzalez Garcia, Vice-Rector for International and Institutional Affairs. The meeting resulted in declarations to expand the cooperation in other fields of study. The result of this discussion was visiting the following departments: Faculty of Commerce, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Faculty of Nursing, where, apart from visiting the classes, they also had meetings with the authorities of these institutes:

  • Dr. Oscar Ramos - Dean for International Relations and the Director of the Faculty of Commerce,
  • Mr. German Ortega - Coordinator of South Asia studies at the Faculty of Commerce,
  • Ms. Maria Isabel Sanchez Bascones - Vice-Director for International Relations at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering,
  • Ms. Maria Jose Cao Torija - Dean at the Faculty of Nursing ,

Ms. Alicia San Jose - Coordinator of International Cooperation at the Faculty of Nursing.
During the meetings representatives of UAS in Nysa familiarized themselves with the educational offer of those institutes and exchanged experienced in working on international mobility programmes. Discussion was also focused on possibilities of future bilateral cooperation in frames of university student and staff exchanges for particular fields of study.

The next part of the programme was a visit in the International Relations Office of the Univerity of Valladolid, during which talks were held with the Coordinator of Erasmus Plus programme, Ms. Esmerelda Fernandez and Ms. Fatima Arevalo Garcia, who is responsible for international cooperation apart from Erasmus as well as for leading the International Welcome Point. Our delegates also visited International Relations Development Office. Its range of work and effects were presented by the Head of the Office, Ms. Carmen Duce. The talks also brought up the possibilities of student exchanges for internships and traineeships for graduates in frames of Erasmus Plus programme. Authorities declared creating such a possibility by accepting interns in their units.

Another very important part of the stay was a visit in the Casa de la India Foundation, operating by the University of Valladolid since 2003. The main aim of the institution is to promote and disseminate Indian culture in Spain as well as to cover the new cultural, social, academic, institutional and economic needs in the relations between India and Spain. This visit was very significant especially for the Polish Desk of the EuroIndia Centre in Nysa. Both institutions share similar mission and objectives, which they realize in their countries. Thus, the most inspiring and valuable was the possibility to exchange knowledge and experiences regarding cultural, educational and economic cooperation with India and activities for promoting Indian culture, as well as declarations made during the meetings. Representatives of UAS in Nysa visited the institution twice and participated in official meeting with the Director of Casa de la India, Dr. Guillermo Rodriguez Martin, who expressed his interest in establishing further cooperation with Polish Desk of the EuroIndia Centre in terms of various possible future projects. Our delegates met also with Mr. Tomas Garabito, European Projects Manager; Ms. Shamina Rasiwala, Coordinator and Administrator and other staff members of Casa de la India.

On the last day of the visit, a MOU has been signed between Casa de la India and Indo-European Education Foundation, president of which is Dr. Pradeep Kumar - lecturer at the Institute of Finance of UAS in Nysa. The MOU creates an opportunity for receiving interns and students from India to Valladolid, as well as for cooperation with universities in India and Poland, with a particular mention for the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa.

Both Polish Desk of the EuroIndia and International Cooperation Office of UAS in Nysa count on fruitful and successful cooperation with our new partners.

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