University International Euro India Centre Nysa City
"The Culture of India" - workshops for junior high school students

On the 10th of December students from the classes 3a and 3b of the Gimnazjum nr 1 in Nysa (First Junior High School in Nysa) participated in thematic workshops "The Culture of India", organised by the Polish Desk of the EuroIndia Centre at University of Applied Sciences in Nysa. The workshops was being held as a reward for winning the first place in the quiz about India.

During these workshops students had a chance to learn more about Indian culture, including basic information about India, its customs, main festivals of Hinduism, Hindi language and other topics. Students could see and try on saree - traditional Indian garment for women, and could have their names written in Hindi language as well.
Conducting thematic workshops and lessons about India is another initiative of the Polish Desk of EuroIndia Centre in Nysa. By this initiative we want to familiarize students with the vast and intriguing Indian culture and hope to arouse their interest in this particular topic.

Some pictures will appear here soon

Aleksandra Nędza
Polish Desk of the EuroIndia Centre in Nysa

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