University International Euro India Centre Nysa City

Diwali/Dipawali Festival 23-27 X 2014

In this year, on the 23th October in India will begin the most important and undoubtedly the brightest Indian festiwal - DIWALI.

Considered to be India's New Year, Diwali is celebrated by all Hindu people all over the India and also by these living abroad. The festival lasts five continuous days, where the third days is celebrated as the main Diwali festival or 'Festival of lights'. This year's festival will last from 23th till 27th October.

The name 'Diwali' or 'Dipawali' in sanskrit literally means 'the row of lamps' or 'the row of lights' (dipa- light/lamp; avali -row/line). The festival 's significance is to show the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair. On this occasion 'diyas' (usually clay lamps) are lighten up outside and inside houses. Very important part of celebrations is performing 'pujas' - prayers to Hindu Gods and Godnesses. The most significant on that day is 'Lakshmi Puja', a prayer to Lakshmi, goodness of wealt, welfare and prosperity.

This festival for some years is celebrated also in Poland. It is successfully organized by the Indo-Polish Cultural Committee (IPCC) in Warsaw and Cracow. This year's celebration will be held on 24th October in "Solvay" Contemporary Art Centre in Cracow.

The information about event as well as the programme is here.
If you would like to learn more about Diwali, you can lokk here.

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