
Dear Friends!

It happend! For a third time, it really happend! Consarch 3 is on it`s way to take place in Nysa! The date , well it`s a bit earlier than last year so maybe it will be chillier or warmer, but still with a team of people who is responsible for this mess, we will create super hot atmosphere. But let`s get to the point. Dates. We decided to start it on the 9th of March and finish on 22nd of March. So as usual it will take two weeks of work and fun in Nysa. We also decided to place it in one spot. So there`s not going to be long journeys inbetween only easy strolls to the place that will be our subject. And the subject will be ( wait for a trebes)- one of the bigest historic complexes in Nysa, established in 18th century, the one and only, Bischop`s Court. ( Check it on Google )

There`s going to be some changes about work of students this time but do not fear. Changes will be for good!

As it goes to the participants. Well you don`t have much time. We placed an application forms on well known website www.consarch.pwsz.nysa.pl to fill by you. And just being frank, we`re expecting that you will fill them and send to us in a proper digital way, not filled by hand ( please do not do it).

The deadline of the recruitation is the 15.01.2014. After this date we will arrange some technical, administrational and other really super import ant things, that will have influence on etery participant. This year we would like to knowi f there`s a vegetarians on deck, earlier.
For this moment we will stop. Expect more news in nearest future.

Best wishes!
Consarch team!

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