
NewsContactInternational OfficePolish Desk of the EuroIndia Centre in NysaCBEKZ

International Cooperation Office

Brochure Erasmus+ Partner
Nysa City


Language and Culture
as a Challenge in Higher Education


April 19th 2018 (Block 1) and May 24th 2018 (Block 2)

University of Applied Sciences in Nysa (Poland) is kindly inviting applicants from diverse academic fields to participate in a international scientific seminar on language and internationalization issues in higher education including topic areas such as:

  • Current challenges in the process of internationalization in higher education.
  • Study program solutions for incoming students and course offers for outcoming students and scholars preparing for international mobility
  • Academic writing in English/German and teaching academic writing in (other) foreign languages.
  • Transfer of cultural content in humanities.
  • Case studies commenting scientific texts from diverse academic fields written in English – updated specific futures of the genre.
  • Academic vocabulary in scientific texts – Academic Word List.
  • Translation issues of scientific texts.
  • Current issues in translation study programs.
  • Linguistic competence in foreign languages of students and scholars.
  • Current concepts in linguistics (contrastive linguistics) and second language acquisition.


Application deadlines
Application fee: 15 EURO
Languages of the session: English/German
Deadline for submission of abstracts is February 15th 2018
Deadline for submission of articles for book publication is July 31st 2018
Feed back for abstracts will be given until 28th of February  2018. 
The contributions will be published near the end of 2018 in a Conference Book

Information about the terms of payment:

Recipient: Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nysie
Address: ul. Armii Krajowej 7, 48-300 NYSA, Polen
Bank: PKO BP SA in Opole
Address of the Bank: ul. Krakowska 35, PL-45-950 Opole
Account No.: IBAN PL 5010 20 3714 0000 410 200 12 7415
Payment Title: " Language and Culture as a Challenge in higher Education”

Practical information:

There is a direct train or bus connection to Neiße/Nysa (connections on www.bahn.de or www.pkp.pl ); if necessary- we will arrange a bus transfer from Wroclaw/Breslau to Nysa.
By plane you will reach Wroclaw/Breslau from many European Cities. We can arrange a low-priced transfer from there to Nysa.

We advise you to book inexpensive accommodation in the dormitory of the diocese of  Nysa (DDF - www.ddf.nysa.pl). There are single or double rooms, all with a bathroom and a toilet. The price for participants of the conference will be 70 Zlotys (about 20 Euros) per person per day, breakfast included. There is no lift in the house. We will arrange the booking if desired. Pease let us know by 30th November 2017 if you would like us to make a reservation for you, because the number of rooms is limited. Bookings will be made in a chronological order. We can also arrange hotel accommodation (prices between 50 and 100 Euros according to hotel standards).

Money exchange
Polish money can be acquired in exchange offices at the airport, at the train stations or in Nysa at cash dispensers.

External Relations Department
& International Cooperation Office

Chodowieckiego 4, Street room 111 A (Ist floor)
48-300 Nysa, Poland
tel.: +48 77 409 08 62; fax: +48 77 409 11 59
e-mail: bwm@pans.nysa.pl

Program: Language and Culture as a Challenge in Higher Education 

Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Nysie © 2018    
kontakt z webmasterem:  
Wydział Nauk o Bezpieczeństwie - kierunek bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu i Kulturze Fizycznej: kierunek dietetyka, kierunek kosmetologia, kierunek psychofizyczne kształtowanie człowieka, Wydział Nauk Technicznych: kierunek architektura, kierunek informatyka, kierunek zarządzanie i inżynieria produkcji, Wydział Neofilologii - filologia angielska, filologia germańska, język biznesu angielski - business english, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych - kierunek finanse i rachunkowość, Wydział Jazzu - kierunek jazz i muzyka estradowa, Wydział Nauk Medycznych: kierunek pielęgniarstwo, kierunek ratownictwo medyczne,
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