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International Cooperation Office

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Nysa City
Meeting for foreign students

On Tuesday 22nd of March, in the Regional Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer of the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, International Cooperation Office organized a meeting for foreign students, studying at UAS in frames of Erasmus+ Programme and students from Ukraine, who came to our University for full time courses.

The main topic of the meeting was the influence of cultural differences on realization of various activities and projects. Nowadays the globalisation prosess has a great meaning and plays very important role. As a result, cultural differences are highly significant, if not essential matter for the success of undertaken international initiatives.

In this semester, our University for the first time has a pleasure to host students from Montenegro and Kosovo, which was an added value for discussing the cultural differences.

On the occasion of forthcoming Easter holidays, International Cooperation Office and Tutors prepared for participants a short presentation about Polish Easter tradition as well as workshops of making Easter eggs and other decorations.

For all the students of the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa and our Partner Universities and other institutions we wish very happy and joyful Easter time!

Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Nysie © 2018    
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