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International Cooperation Office

Brochure Erasmus+ Partner
Nysa City

The ambassador position is a volunteer position that allows the students the opportunity to showcase their ability and work on Erasmus.com website, that in the future will be seen by thousands of people each day. This part include generating content for the website: articles, blogs, city guides, info pages etc.

Moreover the ambassador will be contact person for students who have applied for an internship (general help, making student life abroad easier).
Moving to another city or country is not required. The tasks assigned to the ambassador are not stressful, have relaxed deadlines and give the opportunity to build employability skills.

We are looking for someone who can complete the following:

  • One task weekly totaling between two and three hours' work
  • Someone who is outgoing and attentive to address student needs in one allocated city in Europe
  • Someone who can write at a good English level and engage with an audience
  • Someone who is committed to the goals of Eurasmus and the advancement of Student mobility Abroad

More info here:
The ambassador programme by Eurasmus
Ambassadors Expectations

Samanta Borkowska
Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nysie

Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Nysie © 2018    
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