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International Cooperation Office

Brochure Erasmus+ Partner
Nysa City

What is CONSARCH 2 ?

Consarch 2 is a project that is answer to the needs shared by all the partner institution concerning not sufficient knowledge among students of Architecture on the topics of Conservation of Monuments and architectural objects.

This year`s edition is devoted to the problems of Revitalization of the Gdańsk`s Shipyard, |a cradle of the Polish movement of Solidarity.
Participants, students from Spain ( University of Granada), Italy ( University of Calabria), Germany (Hochschule Lausitz), France ( University of Appleid Science in Strasbourg) with students from Poland ( The School of Higher Vocational Education in Nysa) will work for almost two weeks to create a proposition/ ideas that could be best solution for this issues.
All activities will be held in a Institute of Art "Wyspa", an organization that core aim is to bring back to life slowly degenerating complex.
Beside this main aim, during the intensive course participants will experience how to work in international teams respecting the other cultures improve the professional English language in the area of architecture and conservation (by specialist technical language preparation), will test and implement new approaches into the study programme (by using the ICT tools and more case study based teaching oriented for problems solving), will teach students to use distance-learning tools in conservatory education and to encourage students to open their own businesses/companies giving them some knowledge concerning the law and economical environment in each of partner countries and involving them into interactive practical experience in international environment. Expected outputs will be
as follows:

  • New or extended European partnerships
  • Transnational sharing of experience and best practice
  • Cross-cultural dialogue and co-operation
  • Managerial lessons learned and know-how
  • Exchange of ideas and good practice
  • Report
  • Guidance material to new approaches and methodologies
  • Main activities will be focused on lectures, workshops, discussions, team work, study visits on conservatory sites, as well as on preparation a material that may be an input into the study curricula of the participating partner countries, by giving 4 ECTS points to the participating student

Team Consarch

Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Nysie © 2018    
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Wydział Nauk o Bezpieczeństwie - kierunek bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu i Kulturze Fizycznej: kierunek dietetyka, kierunek kosmetologia, kierunek psychofizyczne kształtowanie człowieka, Wydział Nauk Technicznych: kierunek architektura, kierunek informatyka, kierunek zarządzanie i inżynieria produkcji, Wydział Neofilologii - filologia angielska, filologia germańska, język biznesu angielski - business english, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych - kierunek finanse i rachunkowość, Wydział Jazzu - kierunek jazz i muzyka estradowa, Wydział Nauk Medycznych: kierunek pielęgniarstwo, kierunek ratownictwo medyczne,
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