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Nysa City

Fatma’s memories of Erasmus+ internship at International Cooperation Office

Dear Friends,
My name is Fatma. I am Erasmus+ Student in Nysa, Poland. Being an Erasmus+ student is magnificent experience, especially here. I have worked as a trainee at the International Cooperations Office at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa for 6 months… 6 amazing months… Firstly, I want to talk about some of my tasks in the Office:

  • Administrative procedures for incoming Erasmus+ Students,
  • Social media for ICO,
  • Organizing events for international students at UAS in Nysa,
  • Coordination Tutor Programme at the University,
  • Presentations at schools about Turkey and its culture for pupils from primary school,
  • Visits to Schools in Nysa and observations of English classes for kids.

We did such a nice work with ICO workers. I have gained good experience in the activities that we have done together. I learned some IT tools that I haven’t known before and I became a part of great projects that I have never seen.

I haven’t known working at the office was so good, thanks to that experience I realized I want to work at the office from now on. If the people at the place I work weren't so good, I wouldn't be able to achieve so much. Before I came to office, I had a goal to improve myself and I tried to achieve this. I believe I did it with the help of my Erasmus+ coordinators.

Erasmus+ is one of the adventures which can't be forgotten. Here, it doesn't matter who we are, from where we are. Going abroad it’s like finding a new part of yourself you didn’t know you had. If you think that going abroad is just studying and working hard you are totally wrong! Every day you have the opportunity to discover something, new people, new dishes.

Also I want to talk about Nysa… There are many reasons to live in Nysa.. Nysa is close to the border, you can easily travel to other countries and go everywhere with cheap tickets by train. Amazing lake, beach, historical monuments, sand, and beautiful architecture are worth to be seen. And the most important thing are very low costs of living. Nysa has become my second home..

Don’t worry, don’t hesitate to come here and live a great life.. You won’t regret it.

Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej

Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Nysie © 2018    
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