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 12.10.2018 Official Inauguration of the Academic Yearat the  UAS in Nysa 

At the special invitation of His Magnificence Rector Przemysław Malinowski, Phd. Prof. UAS Nysa, eight international delegations participated in the Official Inauguration of Academic Year:

  • University of Applied Sciences in Bingen (Germany), Kreisverwaltung Mainz Bingen (Germany),
  • Ahmedabad University (India), Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine),
  • Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine), Mostar University (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
  • International University of Sarajevo, (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (Ukraine),
  • County Governor of Jesenik (the Czech Republic).

The guests had a special meeting with Jarosław Gowin- the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland, who attended the event, about the value of cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa.

The event sets a great example of successful cooperation of the University with international partners, as well as profitable participation in international programs and projects.   Furthermore, sixty-five international students started their academic year 2018/2019 at UAS Nysa.  They come from countries such as: Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, India, Kosovo, Latvia, Mexico, Germany, Uruguay, Ukraine, Portugal, Turkey, Algeria. Thirty-eight of them are studying at UAS Nysa within the full-time study program and twenty-seven of them within Erasmus+ Program.

University of Applied Sciences in Nysa is constantly developing its international cooperation. On the basis of one hundred and ninety-six signed agreements, University cooperates with almost all the EU Countries, as well as with Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Turkey, Ukraine, India, Vietnam, Mexico, and USA. In current academic year for the Erasmus+ purposes, our University received 343 thousand EUR and nearly 120 thousand PLN for POWER Program for additional support for outgoing students. University also received over 11 millions PLN on educational purposes from the Ministry.

Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Nysie © 2018    
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