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Brochure Erasmus+ Partner
Nysa City

 International Opening at University of Applied Sciences in Nysa

UAS in Nysa starts new academic year by celebrating ERASMUS +ADAPTATION DAY. During the event students got familiar with general administrative matters, erasmus+ regulations, academic calendar and requirements of chosen fields of study. Moreover, the meeting was a great opportunity for integration of eramus+ students with Polish ones who take part in Erasmus+ Tutor Program.

During the the winter semester University in Nysa has the pleasure to guest sixty-five students from fifteen countries: Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, India, Kosovo, Lithuania, Mexico, Germany, Uruguay, Ukraine, Portugal, Turkey and Algeria. The students have the possibility to study in our country thanks to various exchange programs as well as within full-time study program. The majority of students chose to participate in classes of the following fields of study: finance and accounting, management and production engineering, nursing, architecture and English philology.

Furthermore, the University is constantly developing  its educational offer in English. Because of the practical profile of education, English studies became a very important decision making factor for students, who want to test their skills at foreign University, especially before the start of their professional work. 

Received financial grants for two important programs ERASMUS+ (KA-103 and KA-107) place UAS in Nysa among the leading Universities in terms of international cooperation support for vocational schools.

Thanks to the international cooperation the quality of education and the possibilities of progress for students and University workers are still increasing.

International Opening at UAS Nysa introduces our University to new model of internationalization as well as sets out the direction of its progress. 

Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Nysie © 2018    
kontakt z webmasterem:  
Instytut Architektury - architektura i urbanistyka, konserwacja i ochrona zabytków, Instytut Dietetyki - dietetyka kliniczna, dietetyka administracyjna, Instytut Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego - bezpieczeństwo systemów informatycznych, bezpieczeństwo ekonomiczne, Instytut Neofilologii - filologia angielska, filologia germańska, język biznesu angielski - business english, Instytut Finansów - rachunkowość i kontrola finansowa, finanse przedsiębiorstw, zabezpieczenie społeczne, Instytut Historii - analityk stosunków międzynarodowych, integracja europejska, polityka gospodarcza, Instytut Informatyki - grafika komputerowa i multimedia systemy internetowe, systemy i sieci komputerowe, bezpieczeństwo sieci i systemów informatycznych, Instytut Jazzu - jazz i muzyka estradowa, Instytut Kosmetologii - kosmetologia specjalistyczna, chemia i technologia kosmetyczna, Instytut Pielęgniarstwa - pielęgniarstwo (stacjonarne), pielęgniarstwo pomostowe (A, B, C, D), Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego - ratownictwo medyczne , zdrowie publiczne, Instytut Zarządzania - zarządzanie produkcją i usługami, zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem, zarządzanie jakością
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