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International Cooperation Office

Brochure Erasmus+ Partner
Nysa City

4th International Staff Training Week

From 11-15 April 2016, the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa organised the 4th International Staff Training Week. At this time, the University was visited by many distinguished guests from Mexico, India, Ukraine, Germany, Spain, Montenegro, Kosovo , Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, France, Romania and Bulgaria.

There were workshops for foreign guests from partner institutions who are responsible for international cooperation or teachers who are involved in the EU projects and programmes, especially Erasmus+ programmes. The participants watched the presentation of our University in the context of its internationalization and quality systems as well as about KA107 Erasmus+ Programme.

The most important element of the "International Week" was exchange of experience on the development and implementation of procedures related with international programs and projects as well as the presentation of partner universities and the invitation of new partners. The participants of Erasmus+ Week showed a very interesting offer of lectures and workshops for students of our University. Last day the guests visited schools in Nysa, including primary school, where they could learn the Polish educational system and visit regular classes. During this busy time, a number of other accompanying events were organised, such as a Cooing Evening, a concert of students from Jazz and Popular Music Department as well as an exciting visit to the Cosmetology Department.

mgr Dagmara Bojda
Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej

Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Nysie © 2018    
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