

Post military objects quite often were designed in such a way that sufficiently well to blend into the environment during their operation, even from the point of view of their defense. Today, they are largely unused green urban areas. Many times, unfortunately, much neglected and without any prospects.
A limitation to the revitalization activities is, in a sense the legal aspect, lack of money for their adaptation to the new features, and, perhaps above all, a lack of vision. The size and location of the objects are often limitation in the actions of future investors or developers. These objects, left without any initiative quickly make its technical life, strongly limiting the possibility of adaptation, which is a sad card of our time.
However, we cannot say, that nothing is done in this matter. In recent years, the city of Nysa was awarded in "Outstanding earthy architecture in Europe" prize, granted under the EU project "Terra Incognita", co-financed by the European Commission. Two objects of Nysa's fortifications, Bastion St. Hedwig and Water Fort has been recognized and included in the album of 42 European earthen structures.

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