Admission Procedure
for Socrates/ERASMUS Students

Information sheet for foreign students

Socrates/Erasmus Exchange is based on the Bilateral Agreements between the State Higher Vocational School in Nysa and Partner Institutions.

Socrates/Erasmus students applying for a given study period at the State Higher Vocational School in NYSA are requested to send the following documents to the International Cooperation Office:

  1. Confirmation of student's nomination as an exchange student from the home institution
  2. Application Form - Completed, signed and accompanied by a photo
  3. Learning Agreement - This document describes the curriculum of the studies that
    the student intends to undertake at the PWSZ in Nysa. It represents
    an agreement between the individual student and the institution involved and is
    made before the student goes abroad
  4. Accommodation Form - Accommodation requirements form
  5. Transcript of Records (courses completed at the home university) -
    OPTIONAL In some cases (Management, Finance, Computer Science, Nursing,
    Public Health, Conservation, Architecture) students are also requested to send
    the List of completed courses at home university prior to their going on
    exchange (English version, confirmed by home institution). It helps in analysing
    students prerequisites to the certain study programmes.

All the documents are available from DOWNLOADS.

After documents having been analysed and the programme of studies approved, the International Cooperation Office issues the Letters of Acceptance with the information package about the period of stay and study at PWSZ in Nysa to be further sent to the students' home addresses.

Address for correspondence:

Anna Opałka, MSc - Institutional Socrates/ERASMUS Coordinator
International Cooperation Office
ul. Chodowieckiego 4, 48-300 Nysa, POLAND
Phone: +48 77 409 08 62
Fax: +48 77 409 11 61

International Coordinators

More info about University

Photos of our Material Base - Buildings

More info about NYSA CITY

Interactive map of the city

More info about POLAND

Students Associations

The closing dates for application are:
Registration for Non-degree students

Socrates/Erasmus students accepted at the State Higher Vocational School in NYSA after their arrival are requested to bring the following documents to the International Cooperation Office:

  1. Copy of ID document (a valid travel document e.g. passport or another document certifying student's identity and citizenship)
  2. Copy of the certificate of health insurance (European Health Insurance Card or a certificate)
  3. Copy of a certificate testifying insurance by student's home university or insurance company for "personal accident cover" and "third part liability" (Please prepare the copies in advance).
  4. 2 photos passport size

Faculty Secretariat.

Students are required to confirm the choice of subjects and make any alternations to the previously agreed programme in Learning Agreement Form.

Legalization of stay

EU/EEA citizens
Temporary residence permit

An EU citizen can enter Poland with his/her ID document (a valid travel document e.g. passport, or another document certifying his/her identity and citizenship). For stay up to 3 months no legislation of stay will be necessary. For stays exceeding 3 months, an EU citizen will have to obtain a temporary residence permit (Karta pobytu obywatela UE). In case of students, the residence permit is issued for one year. The residence permit -once issued -will also entitle its bearer to take up work. The residence permit and the right to work also extends to the immediate family -i.e. spouse and children.

This document will be issued by the Department of Citizens Affairs of the Opole Voivodeship Office (province administration, in Polish Urzad Wojewodzki) Opolski Urząd Wojewódzki, Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich i Migracji, ul.Piastowska 14, 45-082Opole, Monday-Friday 7.30-15.30, tel: +48 77 452-43-55 (452-43-49 for non UE/EEA), rooms: 325 (324 for non UE/EEA), floor III.
Charge for issuing the residence permit is 30 Polish zloty (ca 7 Euro) (50 Polish zloty= ca 12 Euro for non UE/EEA). Temporary residence permits will be granted to Union citizens who have health insurance and sufficient resources to cover their expenses without need of social security support.

Documents that have to be submitted by the student to the Voivodeship Office in order to obtain the residence permit:

  1. copy of the travel document 9passport or other ID document)
  2. health insurance document
  3. official letter of acceptance from the polish university 9with information about the planned period of study)
    declaration about sufficient resources to cover the subsistence costs in Poland
  4. 2 photographs
  5. Application form (Wniosek o zezwolenie na pobyt, in Polish)

Non-EU/EEA citizens

A citizen of a non-EU/EEA country can enter the territory of Poland on the basis of a valid travel document 9passport) and a visa (if required). A citizen of a non-EU country has to obtain the visa from the consulate of Poland in his/her country of residence. The short term visa entitles to stay in Poland up to 3 months, the long term visa - up to 1 year. The prolongation of visa in Poland is only possible in case of a force majeure or situation impossible to foresee while applying for the visa in the consulate. The visa can be prolonged only once. It is therefore necessary to apply for a visa in a consulate for the whole planned period of stay in Poland. Persons who have received a visa for the whole period of stay in Poland are not obliged to apply for a residence permit for their stay in Poland.


Students would be accommodated according to their requirements pointed in the Application Forms that must be sent at International Cooperation Office address at least one month before arrival.
State Higher Vocational School provides places in university's dormitories located not far from the city centre (10 min. from the Market Square).
Nr 1, ul. Ujejskiego 12, Tel.: (+48 77) 435 20 11
Nr 2, ul Kościuszki, Tel.: (+48 77) 433 13 05, usually for international students.
The hall offers a bathroom and WC belonging to each double room, a kitchen on every floor, and a laundry on the second floor. There is a hall with TV set and sport room for students. Every week-day till 3:00 PM you can arrange any formalities, such as registration, with the hall administration.

Students may also attend our University Library at Chodowieckiego 4 Street:

or the City Library at the Market Square. They may also attend our swimming pools or sport activities that are being organized for academic staff.
There is a canteen at Armii Krajowej Street, close to Philology’s Buildings and also Student`s Club/Restaurant at Chodowieckiego Street (Main Building) that are often visited by students in dinner time. Other dinner places are subscribed in separate information package.

Practical information

Medical Care

PWSZ students are entitled to obtain medical care, have periodical medical examinations, and constant medical care. This applies to foreign students provided they are health insured and have suitable documents confirming that. Payable medical care is also available.
Students from EU get free of charge medical care, provided that they are insured in their home countries. Further information can be obtained at:



Health insurance

Health insurance remains the individual responsibility of exchange students, who should arrange insurance for accidental health problems and other kinds of problems, which are often included in a Liability Insurance Contract. The Socrates Coordinator will provide a list of Polish insurance companies available to students.

Cost of living
Generally, food is the main item of expenses in your Polish budget. This varies depending on your habits and needs from 350 to 500 zlotys. An additional ~300 zlotys will be necessary to pay for the hall room.
Below you can find a list of some prices in Nysa:
a loaf of bread - 2 zlotys
cinema - 15 zlotys
butter - 3 zlotys
a book - 35 zlotys
a cup of coffee - 4.50 zlotys
beer - 2.50 zlotys
lunch at a milk bar - 5.00 zlotys (vegetarian), 5.00 - 10.00 zlotys (with meat)

Banking system
In Poland the banking system operates as in Europe. There are a lot of banks in Nysa and naturally it is possible to open a bank account with them. However, payment for the room at the hall should be made personally in cash. 1 Euro is about 3,88 Polish zlotys (PLN) (April 2006).

It is also worth noting what the weather is like in Poland. It is typical of the central part of Europe: summer temperatures reach 20-25 degrees centigrade and winters can occasionally be harsh, with temperatures even 20 degrees centigrade below zero. However, winter is usually mild (a few degrees below zero). In winter it is dark till 7:30 in the morning while the sun sets as early as 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

More and more PWSZ in Nysa students is studying abroad under the Socrates-Erasmus program and realizing traineeships within the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. Each faculty has prepared its European Credit Transfer System and is ready to accept foreign university students. Together with the exchange of students an exchange of professors is taking place. Curricula in English and German are being prepared. Our University is also a partner for many European institutions in scheme of European Programmes. That’s why our international service is being developed each year to bring professional

Extraeducational activities
The State Higher Vocational School in Nysa own the first league volleyball team AZS PWSZ Nysa. The School also owns the gymnasium of this sports club and also the gymnasium after former soldiers' headquarters.
AZS PWSZ SSA Nysa - 1st league (B series) students volleyball club of the State higher Vocational School in Nysa HTTP://WWW.AZSNYSA.PL/