The State Higher Vocational School in Nysa, PWSZ in NYSA

Ul. Grodzka 19, 48-300 Nysa
Ph: +48 77 435 28 78, Fax: +48 77 435 29 89

The Rectorate: ROOM 207

University Authorities

Rector: prof. dr hab. STEFAN SZYMURA
Vice-Rector for General Affairs: dr inż. TOMASZ MALCZYK
Vice-Rector for Didactics: dr inż arch. BOŻENA HRYNYSZYN
Chancellor: mgr ZBIGNIEW SZLEMPO

Directors of the Institutes:
ARCHITECTURE: prof. dr inż. arch. Wiktor Jackiewicz
FINANCE: dr hab. inż. Zofia Wilimowska, prof. PWSZ w Nysie
COMPUTER SCIENCE: dr hab. inż. Leszek Borzemski, prof. PWSZ w Nysie
NEOPHILOLOGY: prof. dr hab. Wojciech Kunicki
WORKS OF ART CONSERVATION: dr hab. inż. arch. Stanisław Medeksza, prof. PWSZ w Nysie
NURSING: prof. dr hab. n. med. Andrzej Brodziak
PUBLIC HEALTH: dr hab. n. med. Krystyn Sosada, prof. PWSZ w Nysie
MANAGEMENT: prof. dr hab. inż. Edward Chlebus

Language Teaching Centre: mgr Katarzyna Drabczyk
Basic Science Centre: prof. dr hab. Stefan Szymura


The State Higher Vocational School in Nysa was founded In 2001. Now it is one of the most popular Universities for students not only from Opole Region but more often from all over Poland .
From the beginning of its existence (since 2001) the State Higher Vocational School in Nysa has established contacts with partners abroad (Germany, Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Denmark, Belgium, UK, Bulgaria) as international cooperation is one of the most important elements of the strategic development plan of our institution. The School has begun and continued working within European Union's Programmes (Socrates/Erasmus/Comenius; PHARE CBC Small Projects, Leonardo da Vinci and others). Within the confines of international cooperation our School has organized a number of conferences at which lectures and seminars were conducted by teachers from partner universities. Our University puts great emphasis on constant development of the students and teaching staff exchange and besides promotes European cooperation and makes efforts to gain new partners. At present international cooperation is one of the most important priorities in both academic and educational aspects of the State Higher Vocational School in Nysa. Newly established International Cooperation Office operates within a supervision of Vice - President and deals with all the matters regarding international Programmes and cooperation with foreign partners.

The State Higher Vocational School in Nysa has received 3 mln EURO from the Structural Social Founds of the European Union for creation of the Research&Educational Centre of Works of Art Renovation and Conservation in the Opole Region. Besides the research-educational works and trainings, pure conservatory services will be conducted and also Conservatory Emergency 24 hours Unit will be created within the structure of the Centre.